Are Eye Drops the Only Glaucoma Treatment Available?

Glaucoma, which affects an estimated three million Americans, is the second leading cause of blindness in this country. Some call it the “secret thief of sight” because many patients don’t realize they have it until irreversible vision loss has already occurred. You can treat glaucoma and potentially prevent further vision loss by catching it early […]

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Can I Have Dry Eyes and Allergies?

Unfortunately, it is possible to suffer from both Dry Eye and Allergies simultaneously. However, since the two health conditions share some of the most noticeable symptoms, it can be difficult to tell whether dry eyes, allergies, or a combination of the two is the source of your eye discomfort. Knowing exactly what causes dry eye […]

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10 Ways to Prepare Before Having LASIK Eye Surgery

If you have finally decided to permanently correct your vision with LASIK after finding out you qualify as a candidate, you may wonder how best to prepare for the procedure. Keep reading for 10 ways to prepare before having LASIK eye surgery to know what to expect!

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What is Dry Eye Syndrome, and Could I Have It?

Do you ever feel like something is stuck in your eye, but you can’t flush it out? Are your eyes stinging, burning, or appearing noticeably red after a day’s work on your computer?  Do your eyes often feel uncomfortable or “sticky?” If you are familiar with any or all of these complaints, dry eye syndrome […]

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10 Tips for Winter Eye Care from Your Ophthalmologist

While winter in most of California is not as extreme as in other parts of the country, it can still affect the quality and comfort of your vision. During the winter, the air is drier, and more time is spent indoors, which can lead to seasonal eye problems or worsen existing eye conditions.   Keep reading […]

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Why Getting LASIK is Worth It

Do you want better vision? Are you searching for a permanent solution beyond glasses and contact lenses? LASIK is the top choice for many people once they decide to make their dreams of crystal-clear vision without relying on glasses and contacts a reality. If this sounds like you, you may have many questions about LASIK. […]

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10 Reasons You’ll Feel Better After Dry Eye Treatment

Are your eyes dry? Do you find yourself relying on eye drops and artificial tears? While it is normal to experience dry eyes from time to time, if your eyes seem to be chronically dry, you may be suffering from dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is a common eye condition that occurs when your […]

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How Soon Should You Start Glaucoma Treatment?

Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that affects the vision of an estimated 3 million Americans and is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. Often, vision impairment due to glaucoma can take years to become noticeable.  Because of this, it leads to a late-stage diagnosis and a higher likelihood of vision loss. You should […]

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7 Places You’ll See in a New Light in San Leandro After LASIK

Are you tired of feeling like glasses and contact lenses are holding you back from living your best life? Why not think about having LASIK? When you correct your vision with LASIK, you may see San Leandro in a new light! LASIK can offer you clear, high-quality vision to enjoy all the city offers without […]

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